My Partner for this task is Jemma Turnbull. We have decided to go for a more mysterious film which is still a thriller/ horror movie but can relate to our audience.
We will rate our film as a 15 as our target audience is late teens and youths from 15-21 as they may be able to relate to this film, but if not, they will find it interesting and entertaining.
Our first idea for our opening of a film:
A young girl out on her own having ran away from home. she gets into some trouble and has to catch a train out of town. This train is very old and knackered therefore the lights are switching on and off and shakes. All of a sudden the train goes pitch black and everything stops.
She then awakes in a different world where she seems to be `invisible` as nobody notices her and bash into her and walk straight past this little girl in need. We will then do some camera effects to make it look as if she is spinning and all she can see is this weird world. The titles will then end and the film can then start. This will draw people in to watch our film as the opening is very mysterious and doesn't conclude. this will encourage viewers to watch the rest of the film as they want to know the whole story as they have been dragged in.
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