Monday 7 February 2011


Question 4: Who would be the audience for your media product? 
We are aiming our film at people of the ages of 15-25, and mainly aiming it at males throughout this age group but also particular females too. This gives us a wider target audience and more viewers. We are also aiming it at a social grade of B, C1 and C2, and our psycho graphic segmentation target it at mainly rebels and hedonists as we feel these types of people would enjoy our film the most and understand the genre
Hedonists are those who like to have a good time, and people who watch films nearly always watch them with friends or family. Rebels are people who don't want to conform and challenge the traditional way of doing things and are particularly associated with teenagers.

Question 5: How did you attract/address your audience? 
I felt that I was successful in attracting my audience, as when I showed my film opening to my selected target audience and class of 16-20 year olds, I got very positive feedback. Although some thought it may be appropriate for a slightly more sophisticated group as it is quite hard to understand what the character is running from and use of enigma code may confuse our target audience. They recognised that it was a horror/thriller film and said it is very similar to a real film of this genre. We also found that people like a mystery in a film which demonstrates Barthes' Enigma Code and is a common convention of nearly all films.

I feel my text was successful because the audience easily recognised the genre and thought the titles worked very well with this type of genre. 
I successfully attracted my audience by using key conventions which I had seen used in other films of the thriller/horror genre. These conventions are firstly, fast editing for the chase, using many jump cuts to create an eery feeling and to show the characters is confused. This creates a tense feeling to the piece and means the audience are gripped.
The titles needed to be interesting with a scary feel to them, so having white writing on a dark blue neon background made this easy to interpret as an interesting film. My audience especially liked the titles too. A further convention is scary, fast and energetic or slow and eerie, music. My audience thought both the pieces of non-diegetic music fitted and helped create the atmosphere as the music was `spooky` and made it seam like a real film opening. As well as that, they said that they would continue watching the film, thus meaning it was a success in creating an exciting and tense atmosphere an creation.

My feedback for my opening titles is shown below in a video.

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