Thursday 10 February 2011


Question 7: Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

I found that the preliminary task quite epically failed to be honest. We did hardly any preparation or planning which reflects in the video. We were very unorganized and had no knowledge of the use of technology that had to be used in media at that time. However, i felt it was a good experienced and i learnt a lot from the preliminary task, it was an advantage that it was a bad video as we can learn from the mistakes we made.
One of these mistakes that we have learnt from and improved on for the main task in preparing our actors and locations. We had our actors in mind from the very beginning when we was storyboarding and immediately asked them to see if they were up for it  and were able to do it on the days we arranged. Also i feel our organisation of time has improved majorly as we were way ahead of time for our deadline and started editing our  video before the deadline for the filming which felt good and less stressful. I think we have also improved on our Technical filming skills as we were not very experienced for our preliminary task and didn't even use a tripod to steady our camera to make our film look more professional. However, i think we did a better job in our main task as we felt more experienced and professional using the cameras and we obviously knew more about the different camera angles to use to be effective for this type of genre as we did quite a lot of research into real films of this genre.
After filming we had to edit our film to make it look interesting and more professional, adding things such as jump cuts to show our character was confused and we also had to add in our titles. I believe that our use of editing skills have also improved from our preliminary task. Using premiere pro became easier after a while and we got used to it so it became a good programme to use and it made our film look quite professional and continuous. I have learnt allot from the preliminary task as it let us experience what its like to edit and produce a film but i have also learnt form the main task, how to use premiere pro in a more professional way and use all of its abilities.
Overall i feel that i have progressed allot looking back at my abilities whilst doing the preliminary task as i feel i have produced a good piece of work for my main task, and hopefully my skills in media will continue to expand.

1 comment:

  1. There is a proficient understanding of the forms and conventions used in the productions. There is a basic understanding of the role and use of new media in various stages of the production. There is proficient understanding of the combination of main product and ancillary texts. There is no evidence of understanding of the significance of audience feedback, question 5 is missing. There is proficient skill in choice of form in which to present the evaluation. There is proficient ability to communicate. There is evidence of a basic use of digital technology or ICT in the presentation.
