Wednesday 2 February 2011

Evaluation. Question 3: What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

Question 3: What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why? 

Our film is a small budget film that appeals to a wide audience in the genre of thriller. We feel the of of distribution company that would distribute our film is `Metrodome`. This company distributes many films which tend to start off in a fewer number if screens and in art-house cinemas and then cross-over onto the bigger screens which will attract a few more viewers.
Metrodome is one of the leading independent film distributors in the UK. They acquire films and product for exploitation in cinemas. Metrodome has earned a reputation for acquiring and releasing quality independent films that challenge audiences - from box office smash hits like `Monster` and `Donnie Darko` to the box office success and Academy Award winning The Counterfieters. Alongside high profile theatrical titles, Metrodome’s award winning Home Entertainment department also releases new films, classic cinema, documentaries, animation, stage adaptations, television programming and historical drama. This is the type on distribution we feel would be best to distibute our film as they are a professional independent compnay and shoulb be abloe to distribute or film in the right way.
Because it is such a low buget film, this means there would be not much money spent on advertising the film which may cause its viewers to not know about the film and be unable to go and view it. However the best way of advertising a film is not expensive at all. This is word of mouth; having done research into many different producers and distributors, they all say that word of mouth is the most effective way to make your movie well known and get a big audience. Word of mouth is when one person watches a movie and then tells their friends, family, work collegues and people on facebook there opinions of the film, this means that other people will have positive feedback from that movie and are more likely to go and see it if they have a good review off someone they know and trust. So we would suggest to our movie distributors to do a screening programme, where our movie will be shown for free so the word of mouth will be big for our movie as these people should give some feedback for our movie. Word of mouth can make or break a film.
Another good way of advertising our film is in magazines, radio,tv and newspapers etc. this is a very effective way of advertising as everyone is likely to see or hear our advert. However, as we have decided to distribute with quite a small distributor they may not be horizontally integrated which means it would be harder to advertise into the tv or magazine industry so it would be very hard and very expensive to advetise this way. Also we wouldn't be able to advertise on billboards or bus`s or bus shelters which most films get attention from as it is very expensive and would not fit in a small film budget.
So the strategies we will be using is `word of mouth` to spread the word about our film. Also we would set up an official website on the internet to advertise and market our film, this is a very cheap way of advertising and a good way to communicate to our viewers. This is a very effective way of advertising as most people in our target audience age group use computers, so if we were to advertise on websites such as Facebook or Twitter we would surely get a lot of people interested about our movie. This is a method of marketing a film that many distributors use as it is very cheap and very beneficial to the film.

We would be hoping to get our film into cinemas such as The Electric, Birmingham. This cinema shows lower budget films as well as higher ones too, and we feel our film could crossover and eventually make it into bigger cinemas.

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