Tuesday 1 February 2011


Question 2: How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Our film opening represents women and teenagers in a very emergent way and challenges many stereotypes.
The first shot we see is a pair of old fashioned raggy boots which are non gender represented which doesn't let the audience know weather the main character is male or female. However when it is established the character is a female there is still no representation or a residual idea of ideology as our character is not being portrayed as a steryoptypical female teenager of today as she is dressed in a hoodie which portrays that she is tough and hard which isn't expected of an emergent female.

Also our main character isn't being portrayed as a sex object, she is not dolled up and doesn't seem to want to attract any type of male attention. This is challenging such stereotypical representations of residual ideology that young females have to appear attractive and care what they look like to attract male attention as they feel they must appear in a certain way that mean find attractive.
It is Emma herself that the film in concentrated on and it is her reaction shots we see, tis makes the audience feel close to her as a person and eables them to create a relationship so the audience seem to care about her and become interested in what she is running away from. This is an emergent idea of a dominant woman.

However, in the next scene our main character walks onto the train and gets a very dirty look off the female teenager sat opposite her; This passenger is also a teenager, but she has a much more appealing appearience which suggests she is of higher class.
The fact that the passenger gives Emma a dirty look because of the way she looks is also a residual  ideology of females being 'bitchy' and represents the way young females judge one another on the way they appear and instinctly react to someone who is not dressed in the same way with similar attitudes. This other character is female which suggests that females are dominant, thus demonstrating emergent ideology.
When Emma wakes up after the train crash, she is wearing more appealing clothing unlike before, she is also discombobulated and doesnt know where she is: Instead of her seeming rebellious, she is now vulnerable  which is very much a residual view of women.
It is denoted to us throughout the sequence that Emma is running away from something that she is obviously scared of because she keeps checking to see whats behind her. It is connoted that this thing is higher than her, something more scary, thus also connoting her innocence and defencelessness. This view is again residual. The vulnerable state of Emma is connoted by the mid shots that show her confused in a place that she does not recognise. 

The mise-en-scene of the forest makes it seem deserted and means she also seems quite small in comparison to the setting which is connoted with a long shot running into the forest, further connoting to us the residual ideology of females vulnerability.

Throughout our film there are no mae characters introduced, this is connoting ideas of residual ideology that men have a domniant position in society. This giving females a dominant and ovepowering representation.

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