Wednesday 9 February 2011


Question 6: What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
In todays world, new technology is very important and plays a huge role in media in various stages of production.
Technology was very useful when doing research and planning for our film. we used out mobile phones to organised the times and places we would meet to do our filming, we also used Facebook to get some audience feedback on our research and we used this website, blogger to blog our ideas and research which was very helpful to keep us organised and be able to view our work easily and not just from college.
To produce our anamatic we used a camera to film each picture that we drew of our story board. we then uploaded the clips onto the computer and edited them all to fit together on a very new technology called Adobe premiere pro. We then used a very popular website called `YouTube ` to upload our anamatic video and embed it onto our blogs.
Using really helped me keep track of what i have learnt and kept me organised as you can see clearly what you have done and what you haven't done.

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